Terms of Service
1.) Private arts are accepted: +50% to the cost (you must notify before the art, otherwise the art will be public)
2.) DEADLINES: Two months. In case of any problems (illness, urgent matters) the deadline will be postponed to another date.
3.) I do not refund money. At the moment I live in a country where I can't send money. For this reason, I cannot refund money
4.) Payment is made after I confirm your form. Payment allows you to join the queue
5.) A fee will be charged for each change on the final work. There is no charge for sketching, color and lineart stage
6.) I will not recolor your commission for other people or things like that, I respect your commission as yours, of course
7.) I can use your commission as an example for other people. ( Exception: Anonymous commissions). I reserve the right to publish my art wherever I see fit
8.) Any alternative versions are chargeable
9.) I only work on full prepayment!